Thursday, April 21, 2016

We have the music

 One of the greatest rock and roll escapades since the ’60s ends a chapter today in Europe as Allison Crowe (vocals, piano, guitar, fiddle, bodhran), Céline Greb aka Lin Lin (cello, vocals), Sarah White (mandolin, guitar, vocals), und Dave Baird (bass), part ways after this first leg of their “Heirs + Grievances” tour. We say farewell for now to Milka Smid, Intl. Tour Liaison, and Axel Dollheiser, Driver & Road Manager.

Thank you for coming out and being part of it all – Frankfurt, Izola, Firenze, Berlin, Dennach, Vaihingen an der Enz, Neunkirchen, Grunbach / Engelsbrand, Hamburg, Hastings, Hoielaart and Brussels!! We hope to bring the music to the whole world.

“My heart is full but it's also breaking , if I'm being honest - this is exactly the same picture i posted last night from @racines_bruxelles but for some reason it took a series of 6? Anyways why not?? - I couldn't ask for a better band or more amazing friends from all over the world - from Frankfurt to Brussels - and last night's show was the most fun I've had in years - which just makes it harder to know the tour is over! If anyone knows me - I'm usually tired at the end of tours - and yes I'm tired now - but I feel I could keep going forever - can't wait til next time -candles wtf forever! Holy f×× and THEN SOME - remember to never owl alone. (Inside jokes sorry haha)”

Allison Crowe on Instagram @ 

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